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Publications IT projects

MonitorThis section contains SFAO audits on major federal IT projects.

Audit Electronic proof of identity project (e-ID) - Federal Office of Justice

The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) has audited the Federal Office of Justice's (FOJ) project to introduce state-recognised electronic proof of identity (e-ID programme) for the first time. In March 2023, the Federal Chancellery classified this as a DTI key project. The FOJ launched the project immediately after the Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services had been rejected in the referendum on 7 March 2021. It is a cross-departmental undertaking that requires close cooperation and coordination between numerous offices.

Audit number: 23256

Audit Status report on the benefit and synergy potential of SUPERB - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics

The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) has already carried out several audits in the area of the SUPERB programme. The present audit is a status report on the realisation of the benefit and synergy potential (BSP) envisaged in the dispatch on the guarantee credits for the SUPERB programme and the V/ar ERP systems. According to the Federal Council's report to Parliament dated 18 December 2020 on the benefit and synergy potential in the SUPERB and V/ar ERP systems programmes, the SUPERB programme aims to make long-term savings totalling CHF 0.5 billion.

Audit number: 23774

Audit Impact of the integration of AFCSO operations into the FOITT in terms of reliability - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication, Armed Forces Command Support Organisation and Armed Forces Staff

The autonomous operation of the Armed Forces and the strengthening of security in cyberspace and in the electromagnetic sphere are priorities of the Federal Council. In its dispatch of September 2021 on the amendment of the Armed Forces Act and its organisation, it established the basis for the creation of Cyber Command. In terms of operations, the Armed Forces' IT objectives for 2026 seek to separate mission-critical and non-critical services. Consequently, in 2022 the Chief of the Armed Forces decided to transfer the operation of the former from the Armed Forces Command Support Organisation (AFCSO) to Cyber Command. Operation of non-critical services will be transferred to the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication (FOITT).

Audit number: 23754