Archives from 2014 to date
Archive of publications
Transport and environment
Transport and environment
Skyguide COVID-19: implementation of required cost savings with the "Virtual Centre" - Skyguide, Federal Finance Administration, Federal Office of Civil Aviation
Transport and environment
Business continuity management with a focus on the effects of a power shortage - Swiss Federal Railways and Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Supervision of cableways with a focus on the financing of dismantling installations - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Office of Civil Aviation
Transport and environment
CO2 tax exemption for companies committed to reducing their emissions - Federal Office for the Environment and Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Transport and environment
Efficiency of financial supervision of railway infrastructure operators - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Effects of climate change on forestry management in the Jurassic arc region - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Investment planning and management with regard to prioritising maintenance - Swiss Federal Railways and Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
GITA project - Alliance SwissPass, Federal Office of Transport and Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Risk management across subsidiaries - Swiss Post AG
Transport and environment
New cost accounting system - Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss)
Transport and environment
Implementation of main recommendations - Federal Office of Transport/Zentralbahn
Transport and environment
Risk management in the Lötschberg base tunnel project - BLS Netz AG
Transport and environment
Construction defects on the Raron-Gampel section of the A9 - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Impact of measures implemented under the urban transportation programme - Federal Office for Spatial Development
Transport and environment
Supervision of recycling of waste subject to taxes and advance contributions
Transport and environment
Implementation of key recommendations - Skyguide
Transport and environment
Prüfung des Schutzes kritischer Infrastrukturen: Umsetzung der Mindeststandards in der Flugsicherung - Skyguide
Transport and environment
Construction of Bern railway station - Regionaltransport Bern-Solothurn
Transport and environment
Implementation of a key recommendation: Merger of civil and military air traffic control - Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications and Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
Transport and environment
Cost-effectiveness of procurements - PostAuto AG
Transport and environment
Monitoring of land purchases as part of the Rhone correction project - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Divisional accounts at transport companies - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Management and supervision of measures against road noise - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
COVID-19: Audit of the recapitalisation of Skyguide - Skyguide AG
Transport and environment
Synergies in the overall system Gotthard road tunnel - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Regional public passenger transport: Findings from the audit work of recent years
Transport and environment
ICT resilience of critical infrastructures: implementation of the minimum standard for railway control systems - Federal Office of Transport, Lausanne-Échallens-Bercher railway, Fribourg transport network, Zentralbahn and Rhaetian Railway
Transport and environment
Main recommendations - MeteoSwiss
Transport and environment
Divisional accounts - BLS AG, Busland AG
Transport and environment
Implementation of measures related to railway access for the disabled - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Subsidies - Federal Office of Civil Aviation
Transport and environment
Tender process and contract management of a construction project - Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Program Datacom-NG - Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Virtual Centre project - Skyguide
Transport and environment
Procurement - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Main recommendations - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Air traffic management governance and supervision - Federal Office of Civil Aviation
Transport and environment
Material management and disposal during the expansion of the Zurich northern bypass - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
IT platform NOVA for public transport - Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Hägendorf railway technology centre cost accounting - Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Property management for motorways - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Risk management - Swiss Post
Transport and environment
Effectiveness of measures against particulate matter - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Implementation of measures to reduce micropollutants in wastewater - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Supervision of ordering regional passenger transport - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Railways' procurement of rolling stock - Federal Office of Transport, Swiss Federal Railways, Schweizerische Südostbahn AG and Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA
Transport and environment
Transport Police cost accounting - Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Legitimacy of contributions by the SBB to third parties - Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Financial supervision of the third Rhône correction - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
A9 motorway project - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Business case for the system architecture Switzerland project - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Preparation of the cost study 2016 - Decommissioning fund for nuclear facilities and disposal fund for nuclear power plants
Transport and environment
Management Letter über die Zwischenrevision der Jahresrechnung 2016 des Bahninfrastrukturfonds (BIF)
Transport and environment
Economic efficiency of territorial units and their supervision - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Environmental observation - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Finanzierung öffentlicher, regionaler Personenverkehr - Bundesamt für Verkehr
Transport and environment
Prüfung der Abgeltungen für den Regionalverkehr und die Infrastrukturen - Freiburgische Verkehrsbetriebe
Transport and environment
Rolling highway - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Benefits of the fund for the promotion of forestry and wood research - Fund for the promotion of forestry and wood research
Transport and environment
Fonds zur Finanzierung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur – Bundesamt für Verkehr
Transport and environment
Incentive effect of emissions trading scheme Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Planning and steering of the railway infrastructure expansion steps - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Incentive to increase energy efficiency using the route price model - Audit at the Federal Office of Transport, SBB AG and BLS AG
Transport and environment
Audit of Appenzeller Bahnen AG project management and supervision from the Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Service, organisation and management quality - Federal Office for Spatial Development
Transport and environment
NEAT: Übergabe von Anlageteilen vom Ersteller an den Betreiber auf der Achse Gotthard Bundesamt für Verkehr – AlpTransit Gotthard AG – Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB
Transport and environment
Bundesamt für Strassen - Verkehrsleitsysteme und Tunnel-Betriebseinrichtungen sowie Folgeprüfung des Prüfauftrags 7171
Transport and environment
Supervision of the technology fund - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Merging of civil and military air traffic control Implementation and review
Transport and environment
Audit of the financial potential gained through partial or total closures for rail maintenance - Audit at the Federal Office of Transport, BLS Netz AG, Südostbahn and Swiss Federal Railways
Transport and environment
Project audit of the A9 motorway Audit at the Valais office for national motorway construction and the Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Audit of the integration of the Gotthard Base Tunnel Information Technology into Swiss Federal Railways - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Audit of internal cost allocation - Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn group
Transport and environment
Wirkungsverluste durch Ausnahmeregelungen bei der CO2-Abgabe - Konzept für eine Evaluation des Schweizer Emissionshandelssystem
Transport and environment
Project owner support on the Gotthard pass road project - Federal Roads Office
Transport and environment
Audit of projects and supervision of urban programmes - Parallel audit of road traffic and human-powered mobility measures with five cantonal audit offices; audit of the Federal Roads Office and the Federal Office for Spatial Development
Transport and environment
CO2-Kompensation in der Schweiz - Bundesamt für Umwelt
Transport and environment
Loan to Swissair Schweizerische Luftverkehr AG - Audit of the Swissair loan settlement - Final report following the conciliation procedure between the Federal Office of Civil Aviation, the Federal Finance Administration and Swissair
Transport and environment
Operation of hydrological measuring networks - Federal Office for the Environment
Transport and environment
Audit of project management for rail projects - Audit at Matterhorn Gotthard Infrastruktur, Südostbahn and Rhaetian Railway, as well as at the Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Cost accouting - Skyguide
Transport and environment
Planung und Steuerung des Rollmaterials - Prüfung in der Division Personenverkehr der Schweizerischen Bundesbahn SBB
Transport and environment
Infrastructure fund: federal contributions for urban transport - Federal Office of Transport
Transport and environment
Federal Roads Office FEDRO - Audit of special financing for road transportation
Transport and environment
Programmvereinbarungen in den Bereichen Natur und Landschaftsschutz sowie Revitalisierung - Bundesamt für Umwelt
Transport and environment
Beschaffungen in der Zentrale - Bundesamt für Strassen (ASTRA)
Specialised texts
Social insurance and retirement provision
Public finances and taxes
Justice and police
International relations
IT projects
IT projects
Electronic proof of identity project (e-ID) - Federal Office of Justice
IT projects
Status report on the benefit and synergy potential of SUPERB - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
IT projects
Impact of the integration of AFCSO operations into the FOITT in terms of reliability - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication, Armed Forces Command Support Organisation and Armed Forces Staff
IT projects
DTI key project Swiss command network - Armed Forces Staff
IT projects
Audit of the DTI key project RZPlus – fail-safe computing power - Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss)
IT projects
Key ICT project ASALfutur - Supervisory Commission for the Unemployment Insurance Compensation Fund and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
IT projects
CuriaPlus security - Parliamentary Services
IT projects
Digital transformation: Summary report on past audits - Federal Chancellery – Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector
IT projects
Digital transformation: Audit of the process efficiency of core IT - Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
ICT governance - Agroscope
IT projects
Digital transformation: audit of the online management of hazardous waste - Federal Office for the Environment
IT projects
DTI key project ERP systems D/ar programme - Armed Forces Staff
IT projects
DTI key project Central Migration Information System renewal with a focus on digital transformation - State Secretariat for Migration
IT projects
Digital transformation: Audit of the replacement of E ZIVI - Federal Office for Civilian Service
IT projects
DTI key project new production systems - Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
IT projects
Prüfung von Entwicklung und Betrieb der Public Key Infrastructure - Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation
IT projects
DTI key project SUPERB – finance project - Federal Finance Administration, Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
IT projects
Key ICT project SUPERB – Specialist applications sub-project - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics, Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
DTI key project 2020 FOITT CAMPUS data centre migration - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunications
IT projects
Digital transformation: Process efficiency in the further development of the MISTRA IT system - Federal Roads Office
IT projects
Measures taken during system failures in specialist applications - Federal Office for Customs and Border Security, Federal Tax Administration, Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics and key ICT project ERP systems D/ar
IT projects
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication, Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
DTI key project DaziT with a focus on the "Passar" goods traffic system - Federal Office for Customs and Border Security
IT projects
Further development of the Navision IT system - Swiss Export Risk Insurance
IT projects
Effectiveness of incident management in protecting federal ICT from cyber-risks National Cybersecurity Centre
IT projects
DTI key project: Data centres DDPS/Confederation 2020 - Armed Forces Staff
IT projects
DTI key project SUPERB – PPM project - Federal Chancellery – Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector
IT projects
New ICT and digitalisation steering - Federal Chancellery, Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector
IT projects
National data management programme - Federal Statistical Office
IT projects
SUPERB real estate sub-project, focusing on building data - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
IT projects
Key ICT project SUPERB - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
IT projects
Key ICT project SUPERB – Subproject procurement - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
IT projects
Key ICT project Renewal of the biometrics system platform - State Secretariat for Migration
IT projects
Key ICT project ERP systems D/ar programme – follow-up audit of the implementation of a key recommendation - Defence Group
IT projects
Digital transformation: Audit of the introduction of the accrual principle for direct federal tax - Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
CURIAplus project - Parliamentary Services
IT projects
Schengen/Dublin further development key ICT project - General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Justice and Police
IT projects
Polycom Value Preservation 2030 and National Secure Data System key ICT projects and the Mobile Broadband Security Communication Systems project - Federal Office for Civil Protection
IT projects
IT security for access to GEVER - Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology
IT projects
Audit of the implementation of the federal master data strategy - Federal Chancellery and Federal Statistical Office
IT projects
Redesign Import Applications project - Federal Office for Agriculture
IT projects
Key ICT project ASALfutur - Report to the Supervisory Commission for the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
IT projects
Key ICT project Telecommunications Surveillance - Federal Department of Justice and Police
IT projects
Key ICT project DaziT - Federal Customs Administration
IT projects
Potential synergies in federal IT portals - Federal Chancellery – DTI
IT projects
Security and availability of the GEVER system - Federal Chancellery and IT Service Centre of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
IT projects
Replacement of the Navision IT system - Swiss Export Risk Insurance
IT projects
Key ICT project SUPERB focusing on master data - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
IT projects
Armed Forces Pharmacy SAP migration - Defence Group / Armed Forces Logistics Organisation
IT projects
Former key ICT project Fiscal IT - Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
Implementation of main recommendations - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Key ICT project Armed Forces telecommunications - Defence – Command Operations
IT projects
Service continuity management - Directorate for Resources
IT projects
Rehosting application migration programme - Central Compensation Office
IT projects
Informatiksicherheit - Führungsunterstützungsbasis
IT projects
Key ICT project ERP systems D/ar program - Defence group
IT projects
Dispatch on the SUPERB and ERP Systems V/ar programmes for the attention of both Finance Committees
IT projects
Key ICT project DaziT - Federal Customs Administration
IT projects
Key ICT project ASALfutur - Supervisory Commission for the Unemployment Insurance Fund / State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
IT projects
IT platform NOVA for public transport - Swiss Federal Railways
IT projects
Digitisation platform - General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Finance
IT projects
Key ICT project Workplace systems 2020 - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
IT governance - Federal Statistical Office
IT projects
Key ICT project renewal of the biometrics system platform - State Secretariat for Migration
IT projects
Migration projects in the CAMPUS data centre environment - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication – FDJP IT Service Centre – Armed Forces Command Support Organisation
IT projects
Application for assisting with the calculation and granting of pensions ACOR - Central Compensation Office
IT projects
Service provision in the "projects and services" area - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
Modernisation project for the Official Publications Centre - Federal Chancellery
IT projects
Key ICT project Telecommunications Surveillance - Federal Department of Justice and Police
IT projects
Key ICT project DaziT - Federal Customs Administration
IT projects
Key ICT project Armed Forces voice system - Defence Group, Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
IT projects
Key ICT project Fiscal IT - Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
IT application landscape - Federal Office of Transport
IT projects
2023 ERP ICT strategy - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Querschnittsprüfung: IT-Sicherheit des Bundes - Informatiksteuerungsorgan des Bundes
IT projects
Further development and operation of the MISTRA IT system - Federal Roads Office
IT projects
Public procurement - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
Economic efficiency and security of IT after outsourcing - Parliamentary Services
IT projects
CAMPUS Data Centre - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication, IT Service Centre FDJP, Armed Forces Command Support Organisation
IT projects
Key ICT project GENOVA (Creation and introduction of federal GEVER programme) - Federal Chancellery
IT projects
Key ICT project Armed Forces telecommunications - Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
IT projects
Key ICT project Renewal of the biometrics system platform - State Secretariat for Migration
IT projects
Key ICT project: 2010 data management (road licensing information system) - Federal Roads Office
IT projects
Federal content management systems (CMS) projects - DDPS General Secretariat, Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication and Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Implementation of the IT architecture and portfolio management - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Key ICT project Fiscal IT - Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project "Programme on defence and armasuisse management and logistical systems" - Armed Forces Staff
IT projects
Analysis of the DaziT special dispatch - Federal Customs Administration
IT projects
Key ICT project Polycom value preservation 2030 - Federal Office for Civil Protection
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project Federal Workstation 2020 (APS2020) Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Key ICT project audit: Interception System Switzerland ISS 2
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project synthesis report
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project IAM Bund (identity and access management) - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Outstanding recommendations concerning the Land Forces command information system - Defence Sub-Department
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project "Implementation of the Confederation's new network architecture" - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project Telecommunications Surveillance - Federal Department of Justice and Police
IT projects
Audit of the former key ICT project ASALneu and the new IT strategy for unemployment insurance - Report addressed to the Supervisory Commission for the Unemployment Insurance Fund
IT projects
Audit of business continuity management in the operations service sector - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
Key ICT project FITANIA - Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
IT projects
Key ICT project audit "Assignment control system and localisation" - Federal Customs Administration
IT projects
Cantons' implementation of the network security policy of the Swiss Conference on Informatics - Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
IT projects
Audit of the DC DDPS/Confederation 2020 project - Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Key ICT project Fiscal IT - Federal Tax Administration
IT projects
Second follow-up audit of the key ICT project UCC - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project IVZ - Federal Roads Office
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project federal GEVER programme - Federal Chancellery
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project regarding a consumption tax platform - Federal Customs Administration (FCA)
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project ASALneu State - Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
IT projects
Key ICT project audit: IAM Bund
IT projects
Reorganisationsprojekt "ON BIT" - Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT
IT projects
Follow-up audit of the key ICT project UCC - Federal IT Steering Unit FITSU
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project "Freight Redesign" - Federal Customs Administration FCA
IT projects
Key ICT project Fiscal IT
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project CMS DDPS - DDPS General Secretariat
IT projects
Umsetzung des Projekts GEVER "Überdepartementale Prozesse" - Bundeskanzlei
IT projects
Key ICT project audit: CMS.nextgen
IT projects
Renewal of content management systems
IT projects
Prüfung der Sicherheit und des Vertragswesend im Informatikbereich - Parlamentsdienste
IT projects
Legitimacy of statistics produced and quality management - Federal Statistical Office FSO
IT projects
ICT Project Audit Land Forces Command Info System - Defence Sub-Department
IT projects
An audit of the key ICT project UCC - Federal IT Steering Unit
IT projects
An audit of key programme: road traffic licensing information system
IT projects
Key ICT project FISCAL-IT - Federal Tax Administration FTA
IT projects
Audit of the key ICT project SNAP-EESSI - Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO)
IT projects
IT management and operation following Solution Centre integration - Central Compensation Office
IT projects
Transparenz der Informatikkosten - Bundesgericht
History of the SFAO
General administration
Energy and communication
Education and research
Education and research
Implementation of key recommendations: allocation of funds to professors - Federal Institutes of Technology Zurich and Lausanne
Education and research
Implementation of the Swiss transitional measures for Horizon Europe - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Swiss National Science Foundation, Innosuisse
Education and research
Secondary occupations with a focus on conflicts of interest - ETH Board, ETH Zurich, EPFL, PSI, WSL, EMPA, EAWAG
Education and research
Audit of innovation and project subsidies for vocational and professional education and training - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Education and research
Critical success factors at selected Swiss Innovation Park sites - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation; Switzerland Innovation Foundation; entities in charge of the sites SIP
Education and research
Construction investment contributions for higher education institutions - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Education and research
Traceability and supervision of real estate in the ETH Domain - ETH Board
Education and research
Supervision of continuing professional development organisations - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Education and research
Capacity utilisation audit of laboratory services - Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology
Education and research
Werner Oechslin Library - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Education and research
Heating and cooling plant and data centre in Ecublens - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Education and research
Governance at the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Exchanges and Mobility State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation / Federal Office of Culture / Federal Social Insurance Office
Education and research
Construction project "Biosystems Science and Engineering" - ETH Zurich
Education and research
Teacher training for vocational training schools - Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Education and research
Nachvollziehbarkeit der Mittelzuteilung an die Professorinnen und Professoren der ETH Zürich und der EPFL
Education and research
Financial supervision of national alternate funding for Horizon 2020 - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Education and research
Monitoring of research projects awarded to universities of applied sciences and research institutions - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Education and research
Umfassender Bericht an den ETH-Rat über die Revision der konsolidierten Jahresrechnung 2016 des ETH-Bereichs
Education and research
Sustainability of innovation projects (research and development projects) - Commission for Technology and Innovation
Education and research
Analysis of alternatively financed building projects of the Federal Institutes of Technology - ETH Board, ETH Zurich, EPFL
Education and research
Subsidies at research partners - Commission for Technology and Innovation
Education and research
Swiss external network for education, research and innovation (Swissnex) - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
Education and research
Effectiveness of the ETH Board's strategic management and supervision of the ETH Domain
Education and research
Granting of mandates, business relationships and governance in the area of start-up companies and entrepreneurship
Education and research
Auswirkungen der Entwicklung von «Public Private Partnership» auf das Budget, Follow-up des PA 9230 - Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Economy and agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Use of enforcement cost contributions by the joint commissions - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 and Ukraine crisis as regards disrupted supply chains - Federal Office for National Economic Supply, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland Global Enterprise
Economy and agriculture
Benefits of individual crop subsidies in agriculture - Federal Office for Agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Controls on dual-use goods - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Impact of the platform economy on the public sector - Federal Social Insurance Office, Federal Tax Administration, State Secretariat for International Finance, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Innolink project - Innosuisse: Swiss Innovation Agency
Economy and agriculture
Implementation of the accompanying measures for the free movement of persons - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Tourism infrastructure projects under the New Regional Policy - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Recommendations on the control of the transfer of war material - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Resource programme and resource efficiency contributions for more sustainable agriculture - Federal Office for Agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Supervision of federally guaranteed oceangoing vessels - Federal Office for National Economic Supply and Swiss Maritime Navigation Office
Economy and agriculture
Implementation of recommendations for the Posieux construction project - Agroscope / Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
Economy and agriculture
Implementation of key recommendations - Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety
Economy and agriculture
Cybersecurity supervision for financial service providers - Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
Economy and agriculture
Subsidy for milk testing - Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office
Economy and agriculture
Implementation of main recommendations from the identitas audits and current developments - Federal Office for Agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Subsidies for export and investment promotion - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Performance of financial aid for external organisations - Federal Office for Agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Control of the transfer of war material - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Coordination and effectiveness of the support measures for agricultural biogas facilities and viability for the operators - Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Federal Office for the Environment, Federal Office for Agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Mineral oil tax refunds in agriculture - Federal Department of Finance, Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, Federal Customs Administration, Federal Office for Agriculture
Economy and agriculture
Optimisation potential in the case of subsidies and contributions - Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office
Economy and agriculture
Real estate infrastructures - Agroscope / Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics
Economy and agriculture
Supervision of compliance with 2014 to 2017 Federal Council strategic objectives by SIFEM AG - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Economy and agriculture
Prüfung der finanziellen Führung und verschiedener Geschäftsfelder - Bundesamt für wirtschaftliche Landesversorgung
Economy and agriculture
Processes and data flows of agricultural direct payments - Federal Office for Agriculture and cantons of AR, BE, GR and SZ
Economy and agriculture
Audit of the implementation of the statutory mandate and the strategic objectives and supervision of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Swiss Export Risk Insurance and SECO
Economy and agriculture
Audit of the organisation and use of funds for occupational safety - Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety
Economy and agriculture
Temporary employment programmes and occupational traineeships under unemployment insurance: impact, execution and supervision
Economy and agriculture
Investment grants in agriculture - Evaluation of the concept, costs and effectiveness
Economy and agriculture
Measures accompanying the free movement of persons - Audit of SECO's supervision
Economy and agriculture
Audit of financial supervision - Switzerland Tourism
Economy and agriculture
Audit of the supervision over the direct federal tax exemptions
Economy and agriculture
Wirtschaftlicher Einsatz der Ressourcen, ordnungs- und rechtmässige finanzielle Führung, detailliertes Konzept für CTIanalytics - Prüfung bei der Kommission für Technologie und Innovation
Economy and agriculture
Projekt- und Qualitätsmanagement im Projekt ASALneu - SECO / TC
Economy and agriculture
Prüfung der Oberaufsicht des BLW über die kantonalen Landwirtschaftsämter im Bereich der Direktzahlungen - Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Economy and agriculture
Implementation of the New Regional Policy in the cantons of Bern, Jura and Valais State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Economy and agriculture
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) - Audit of the Regional Development Fund and implementation of the New Regional Policy in three cantons
Economy and agriculture
Aufsicht über die Absatzförderung für Landwirtschaftsprodukte - Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft / Fachbereich Qualitäts- und Absatzförderung
Defence and Armed Forces
Defence and Armed Forces
Implementation of the recommendations from the external report on Air2030 - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Compliance for transactions with the Leopard 1 tank - RUAG MRO Holding AG
Defence and Armed Forces
Supervision audit - Independent Oversight Authority for Intelligence Activities
Defence and Armed Forces
Armed Forces telecommunications key ICT project - Defence Group
Defence and Armed Forces
Digital transformation: Process efficiency in the replacement of the Land Forces CIS Defence Group – Armed Forces Staff
Defence and Armed Forces
DTI key project Data centres 2020 ICT architecture and infrastructure - Defence Group
Defence and Armed Forces
ICT governance - General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
Defence and Armed Forces
Critical infrastructure protection – Governance and integral risk management - Federal Office for Civil Protection
Defence and Armed Forces
Refurbishment of a military facility - armasuisse Real Estate
Defence and Armed Forces
Implementation of key recommendations - Armed Forces Staff, Centre for Historic Equipment of the Armed Force
Defence and Armed Forces
DTI key project DDPS Programme to split basic ICT services - General Secretariat of the Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
Defence and Armed Forces
Resource management – Defence Group - Armed Forces Command Support Organisation
Defence and Armed Forces
Implementation of the findings from price audits - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Air2030 programme risk management - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Handling of contaminated sites - Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
Defence and Armed Forces
Subsidy audit on contributions for shooting exercises - Defence Group, Training and Education Command
Defence and Armed Forces
Digital transformation: Process efficiency in dealing with conscripts - Defence Group, Armed Forces Staff
Defence and Armed Forces
Deployment of people subject to service in the Armed Forces, civil protection and civilian service during the COVID-19 pandemic - Defence Group, Federal Office for Civil Protection, Federal Office for Civilian Service
Defence and Armed Forces
Disposal and sale of armaments - Defence Group – Armed Forces Staff
Defence and Armed Forces
Single-term model in the Swiss Armed Forces - Defence Group
Defence and Armed Forces
Assessment of the operational capability of the 2020 air-to-ground communication system - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Information security - RUAG MRO Holding AG
Defence and Armed Forces
Risk and compliance management - BGRB Holding SA, RUAG MRO Holding SA, RUAG International Holding SA
Defence and Armed Forces
Implementation of the 2013 deployment concept - Defence Group
Defence and Armed Forces
Procurement of the 12cm mortar 16 - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Condition of protected sanitation systems and coordination between federal services - Armed Forces Staff – Federal Office for Civil Protection
Defence and Armed Forces
Personnel policy for career military officers - Defence group
Defence and Armed Forces
Procurement of reconnaissance drone system 15 - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Effective profit margins at RUAG Aviation 2013–2017
Defence and Armed Forces
Rental model - General Secretariat DDPS
Defence and Armed Forces
Implementation of recommendations at Centre for Historic Military Equipment - Armed Forces Staff
Defence and Armed Forces
Nationales Pferdezentrum - Logistikbasis der Armee
Defence and Armed Forces
Procurement of reconnaissance drone system 15 - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Analyse des Prozesses «Ausserdienststellung (AdS) von Armeematerial» - Bereich Verteidigung Eidgenössisches Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport
Defence and Armed Forces
Situationsanalyse von Teilen der Beschaffungsorganisation mit Schwerpunkt Delegationen an Dritte - armasuisse, Führungsunterstützungsbasis der Armee, Bundesamt für Sport
Defence and Armed Forces
Audit of compliance management systems - RUAG
Defence and Armed Forces
Effectiveness of the organisation of compensation transactions in relation to armament procurements - armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Implementation of the qualitative objectives of the renter model
Defence and Armed Forces
Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung persönliches Armeematerial sowie Umsetzungsstand Projekt Modulares Bekleidungs- und Ausrüstungssystem für militärische Einsätze (MBAS) - Verteidigung und armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Surveillance financiere de la conformite et l'adequation de l'organisation, des processus - Examen du projet E-ZIVI
Defence and Armed Forces
Projekt bodengestützte Luftverteidigung 2020 (BODLUV 2020) - Luftwaffe / Armeestab / armasuisse
Defence and Armed Forces
Immobilienbotschaft VBS 2014 - Sicherung der Strategiekonformität - Immobilienmanagement VBS
Culture and sport
Annual reports