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Publications Economy and agriculture

TraktorThis section contains SFAO audits related to agricultural and economic policy issues.

Audit Use of enforcement cost contributions by the joint commissions - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

A collective employment agreement (CEA) is a contract between employers or employers' associations and employees' associations (social partners for short). They are concluded to regulate working conditions and the relationship between the parties. A CEA can be declared to be generally binding if certain legal requirements are met and is then valid for all, i.e. also for those who are not members of a contracting association in a sector (outsiders). At the time of the audit, there were 46 CEAs that had been declared generally binding, covering an estimated 1 million workers and almost 70,000 employers.

Audit number: 22443

Audit Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 and Ukraine crisis as regards disrupted supply chains - Federal Office for National Economic Supply, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland Global Enterprise

The global restrictions on trade flows due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Ukraine crisis also led to shortages of goods and services for businesses in Switzerland; supply chains were disrupted. The federal offices involved in supporting the economy in the event of supply chain problems are the Federal Office for National Economic Supply (FONES), which is responsible for ensuring the country's economic supply of essential goods and services. In addition, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is responsible for developing a suitable economic policy framework for the economy and for implementing sanctions. Finally, as the official Swiss organisation for export and location promotion, Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) offers businesses support and advice in relation to export activities, international business relationships and supply chain problems, among other things.

Audit number: 23493

Audit Benefits of individual crop subsidies in agriculture - Federal Office for Agriculture

The Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) provides so-called individual crop subsidies for individual crops in accordance with Article 54 of the Agriculture Act. In addition to direct payment subsidies, these are intended to specifically promote the cultivation of selected and strategically important agricultural crops. The Federal Council determines which crops are subsidised and the amount of the subsidies. Since 2014, between CHF 60 and 66 million has been paid out annually for this purpose. In 2022, just under 10,000 farms received individual crop subsidies.

Audit number: 22403