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PublicationsGeneral administration

RathausThis section contains SFAO audits on the federal government and internal processes.

Audit 2036 accommodation strategy - Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics

The flexibility of working practices has grown rapidly over recent years. This has an impact on the accommodation of the civil Federal Administration, for which the basic principles are set down in the accommodation strategy. Based on decrees by the Federal Council, the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (FOBL) has refined the currently applicable 2024 accommodation strategy to address flexible forms of working.

Audit number: 22724

Follow-up audit Implementation of key recommendations - General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Home Affairs and Federal Statistical Office

In 2017, the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) audited the implementation of the Confederation's Open Government Data (OGD) strategy, which aims to make open and freely usable government data available to the public. On the one hand, OGD is important for making the work of the administration transparent to the outside world; on the other hand, it harbours economic potential, since innovative new business models can emerge from this data. However, it is still not possible to precisely quantify this potential. Seven recommendations resulted from this audit.

Audit number: 22650

Audit Harmonisation of personnel processes - Federal Office of Personnel

Federal personnel data is processed mainly in the information system for personnel data management (IPDM). This an application from the SAP product family. Other non-SAP applications are used as upstream systems or subsystems (e.g. eRecruiting) in the Federal Administration. To date, personnel processes supported by this multiplicity of systems have not been fully harmonised across departments and offices.

Audit number: 20402