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Publications Education and research

Kopf und Gehirn - IllustrationThis section contains SFAO audits related to education, research and innovation issues.

Follow-up audit Implementation of key recommendations: allocation of funds to professors - Federal Institutes of Technology Zurich and Lausanne

In 2019, the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) audited the traceability of the allocation of funds to professors at the Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) and Lausanne (EPFL). In its report, the SFAO drew up three recommendations, two of which concerned the transparency of fund allocation (ETH Zurich and EPFL) and one the ombudsman's office (ETH Zurich).

Audit number: 23461

Cross-sectional audit Implementation of the Swiss transitional measures for Horizon Europe - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Swiss National Science Foundation, Innosuisse

Since 2021, Switzerland is no longer associated to the European Union (EU) framework programme for research and innovation. This is the EU's most comprehensive programme for the joint promotion of science and innovation. The end of the association means that Switzerland is excluded from participating in around a third of all programme areas. Swiss participation is still possible in around two thirds of the programme, but this must be financed directly by the Confederation. The transitional measures are intended to cover the inaccessible areas of the programme in national calls for proposals and fill the resulting shortfalls in research funding for Switzerland.

Audit number: 23450

Cross-sectional audit Secondary occupations with a focus on conflicts of interest - ETH Board, ETH Zurich, EPFL, PSI, WSL, EMPA, EAWAG

The transfer of knowledge and technology in the domain of the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Domain) takes place, among other things, through the secondary occupations of professors and employees, as well as through the foundation of companies by doctoral students, other students and scientific employees (spin-offs). Knowledge and technology transfer is one of the statutory tasks and is also a strategic goal for the ETH Domain set by the Federal Council.

Audit number: 22472