Presentation of management
For current and future taxpayers
The management team has been comprised of Pascal Stirnimann (Director), Brigitte Christ (Deputy Director) and Eric-Serge Jeannet (Vice-Director) since September 2022.
Pascal Stirnimann
DireCTORAppointed as Director by the Federal Council, Pascal Stirnimann has headed the SFAO since 1 September 2022. He has degree qualifications as a Business Economist FH and Swiss Certified Accountant. In addition, he is a Certified Internal auditor (CIA) and a licensed audit expert.
Brigitte Christ
Deputy Director, Head of Mandate SectorBrigitte Christ joined the SFAO in 2011 and has been Deputy Director since 2014. She studied business administration, focusing on IT, and is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).
Eric-Serge Jeannet
Vice-Director, Head of Competence CentresEric-Serge Jeannet has been Vice-Director of the SFAO since 2013. He holds a degree in economics from the University of Neuchâtel and a Master of Public Administration from the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP). A Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and licensed audit expert, he has been working at the SFAO since 1995.
Anna Künzler
legal serviceLawyer
Thomas Brückner
Communication and publicationDr. phil.
Daniel Hasler
Transparency political fundingBusiness Economist FH / Swiss Certified Accountant
Gabi Tschofen
human resourcesPersonnel Manager CET PEI
Gilbert Roux
central servicesQualified Administration Economist HLB
Didier Monnot
External cooperationlic. HEC (degree from the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne)